Griff Perso is your personalization application par excellence whatevereither the support and the do...
Griff Perso is your personalization application par excellence whatevereither the support and the domain.It offers users hundreds of customizable products inten (10) categories of media namely:TEXTILE (T-shirts, Polos, Tank tops, Shirts, Sweaters, Caps,Towels, Bed sheets, Bags, Tablecloths, Curtains, Loincloths, etc.);PORCELAIN (White, Magic, Fluorescent, Extra Cups, Plates, …);PLASTIC (plexiglass keyrings, pens, pen holders, plotters, bags, etc.);PAPER (Calendars, Notepads, Agenda, Photos, Business cards, Flyers,Posters, …);WOOD (Puzzles, Toys, Wooden keyrings, Signage, Wooden jewellery, etc.);METALLIC (Metal keyrings, Jewellery, Clocks, Macarons, Tableware inmetal, signage, etc.);ARTISTIC, (Painted art paintings, Message boards, Portraits,Sculptures, …)GLASS, (Glasses, Bottles, Glass dishes, Glass trophies, …)EXTRA (Furniture, Shoes and objects in various extra materials, …)and LARGE FORMATS (Vinyl, Tarpaulin, One way vision, Sandblasted, Roll Up, Brandingbecause, Kakémono, Flags, Signs, Totem, …)Griff Perso therefore provides a service dedicated to satisfying your desires forcreations from the simplest to the most complex on quality mediaadapted to different marking techniques. So you have a rangearticles to be personalized according to their purpose and according to your feeling.In each category of media, the various products offered are availablein several designs allowing you to make your choice according to yourtaste. The products are classified according to three options namely:PERSONALWhere you find items ready for printing or markingstrictly intended for one person. So you can order byexample a personal tank top in your size with your first name writtenon it in the color, font, style,... of your choice. You have onthe Griff Perso application unique and tailor-made items to please youryour loved ones as part of the celebration of personal events of theirlife: Birthday, Baptism, Wedding….EVENTSThis option offers you a series of articles treated in different themesclassic and predefined events in the calendar: Valentines Day, Partyof mothers, Easter, Ramadan, New Year, … Dont dwell on thequestion "what to offer on these occasions?" Griff Perso opens up a field ofboth varied and original possibilities. Whatever the event of the yearfind the gadget or personalized creation able to seduce all yourrelatives, prospects or customers.INSTITUTIONALIn this section, you have lots of ideas and advertising giftsto enhance your visual identity. Capture attention on your brand withgadgets in the colors of your company. We give you fullthe power in the various categories above to choose anddesign products that will travel and serve as ambassadors for yourbusiness. Products that defend your brand image through theirauthenticity.Griff Perso is easy to use and its operating principle is completelysimple. It features on the homepage:THE BEST ARTICLES which allows you to easily findproducts you need and which are among the most requested.THE NEWS on the page allow regular users of the application to havean idea of the trends offered in the different categories.The space dedicated to OUR ACHIEVEMENTS is a zoom on the works already carried outthrough the application and which can also be a real source of inspiration forthe user in order to help him in his choice of products.